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Two-Thirds Sublayout

The Two-Thirds Sublayout container adds a two-column layout to a section of a webpage. The left column contains the main content and is two-thirds of the content area width. The right column contains secondary content, such as curated or contextual navigation or an aside, and is one-third of the content area width. Their combined width is equal to a one-column full-width content area.

A full width page with a two-thirds sublayout component beneath the title block
Figure 1: Example of a Two-Thirds Sublayout container. Here, the page title spans the full width of the page, with the two-thirds layout starting below the title component.

Component Information


  • The Two-Thirds Sublayout container allows content authors to provide primary content, secondary content and navigation in a two-column layout, adding layout versatility to the page.
  • The Two-Thirds Sublayout container can be placed on a basic page anywhere below the Breadcrumb links. This container cannot be used on other types of pages.
  • A page can have both full-width and two-column content. The full-width content can be above and/or below the two-column content area.
  • Each column may contain one or multiple components.
  • The Two-Thirds Sublayout container extends from one edge of the content area to the other edge. It is not a full-bleed component.
  • The Two-Thirds Sublayout container does not extend to the full-page height — the two-column layout only applies to the content placed inside the container.

Example Use Cases

  • Provide a secondary navigation area for a group of related pages so that users do not have to open the mega navigation and hunt for other pages on the same topic.
  • Provide an image, text and button to the right of the main content that show additional or related information about the main content.
  • Highlight a particular page and provide an easy way for visitors to get to it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click the "+" in a full width area to add a component in that space.

When dragging a component from the Components list, be sure that “mainbody-#” displays before the component is dropped into the page. The number may vary depending on the location on the page.

Instructions for Use

In Page Builder:

  1. Select the page in the Content Tree.
  2. Click “+” button in any Placeholder box below the Breadcrumb links.
  3. Select Two-Thirds Sublayout container from list.

Alternate method:

  1. Click Components tab at the top of the Content Tree.
  2. Locate Two-Thirds Sublayout container.
  3. Drag the Two-Thirds Sublayout container to any empty placeholder area of the page below the Breadcrumb links. 
The grid placeholder areas on a page with a two-thirds sublayout component
Figure 2: The red outline in this image shows the boundaries of the Two-Thirds Sublayout container. The remainder of the page is the full-width content area. 

Assign a component:

  1. Select a Two-Thirds Sublayout container cell placeholder.
  2. Click “+” in the cell.
  3. Choose the desired component from the list of available components.

Alternative method:

  1. Open the Components menu.
  2. Locate the desired component.
  3. Click and drag to drop it in the appropriate column.
    1. To add the component to the left column, drag to the left column and make sure that “twothirdsbody-#” displays before dropping the component. (The number will vary depending on the page.)
    2. To add the component to the right column, drag to the right column and make sure that “twothirdsnav-#” displays before dropping the component. (The number will vary depending on the page.)

Assign content to the component:

  1. In the Assign content item window, choose the component data to use:
  2. For existing components, select them from the page’s Data folder or from the appropriate shared folder.
  3. For new components, select Create new, type in the component title and hit enter.
  4. Once the component data is selected, click on the Assign button in the lower right corner.
  5. Add or edit component data, per the component requirements.
  6. Repeat the process for other areas in the sublayout container. Multiple components can be added within each container column.
  7. Preview the page.
  8. Publish the page.
A two-third sublayout component followed by a full width section
Figure 3: A full width content area appears below a two-thirds sublayout component. 

Tool Use Guide


 Page BuilderExplorerContent Editor
Add Two-Thirds Sublayout to pageOptimal  
Add components to Two-Thirds Sublayout content areasOptimal  
Edit content in components*PossiblePossiblePossible

*Follow component-specific instructions.


Documentation updated: Feb. 10, 2025