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Page Title

The Page Title component adds a top-level headline (text in <h1> tags) to a page (like the large “Page Title above). For accessibility and search engine optimization, or SEO, reasons, content authors should only use one H1 headline per web page. If a page already has one in another component, like a Hero Banner, adding a Page Title is not needed. The Page Title component uses the text from the page’s Title field. 

Instructions for Use

Add a Page Title to a Page

In Page Builder:

  1. Open a page with no existing H1 headline.
  2. Click the “+” button in the main body or right-side column Placeholder box.
  3. Select the Page Title component from the list.

Alternate method:

  1. Open page with no existing H1 headline.
  2. Click the Components tab at top of the left pane.
  3. Locate the Page Title component.
  4. Drag the Page Title component to placeholder in the right-side column.

Optional: Edit Page Title Text

In Page Builder:

  1. Hover over the Page Title component and click on the text.
  2. Make desired edits to the text.

In Content Editor:

  1. Select the page in the site tree.
  2. Click in the Title field in the Content area.
  3. Make desired edits to the text.
  4. Click save.
  5. Return to Page Builder. 
  6. To see change in Page Builder, click reload canvas.

In Explorer:

  1. Select the Page Title component in Page Builder.
  2. Click on the Open in Explorer icon.
  3. Click in the Title field in the Content area.
  4. Make desired edits to the text.
  5. To see change in Page Builder, click reload canvas.

Additional options

Show/hide horizontal line:

  1. Select the Page Title component.
  2. In the right pane, go to Component Options > Advanced Styling.
  3. Check/Uncheck the Show Line check box to show/hide the small, green horizontal line.
Note: The Page Title text is also the text used by default in the breadcrumb and the browser window/tab

Tool Use Guide


 Page BuilderExplorerContent Editor
Add componentOptimal  
Edit page title (data matches in component, breadcrumb and side navigation)Optimal Possible
Edit page title viewed in content treeOptimal Possible
Edit page title for URL   Optimal
Edit page title for browser tab display  Optimal


Documentation updated Feb. 10, 2025