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User Groups

What Are User Groups?

User groups are used to group related Sprinklr user seats. These can be by unit, sub-unit or other classification. University Communications and Marketing typically puts each Sprinklr user seat into two user groups, corresponding to Tier Tags. Depending on unit needs, additional user groups may be added, such as for brands, programs or unit administration. Membership to unit groups is limited to staff belonging to the affiliated unit.

User groups are primarily used for permissions and sharing.

The Sprinklr platform owner in University Communications and Marketing uses user groups to efficiently grant permissions to features and access to accounts.

Sprinklr users may utilize user groups to share dashboards and reports with other users in an efficient manner, as opposed to granting access to multiple individuals. 

Current User Groups

Tier 1 User Groups


Tier 2 User Groups


Advancement (UA)


UA - Advancement Administration
UA - Alumni
UA - Development


Ag & Natural Resources (CANR)


CANR - AgBioResearch
CANR - CANR Administration
CANR - CANR Official 
CANR - CRIS Ingredient Safety
CANR - Entomology
CANR - Michigan 4-H
CANR - Michigan 4-H Foundation
CANR - MSU Dairy Store
CANR - MSU Extension
CANR - Packaging


Arts & Letters (CAL)


CAL - Arts & Letters Official


Assoc Provost for Undergraduate Education (APUE)


APUE - Spartan Experience Record
APUE -Undergraduate Research


Athletics (ATH)


ATH - Athletics Administration
ATH - Baseball
ATH - Basketball (Men’s)
ATH - Basketball (Women’s)
ATH - Field Hockey
ATH - Football
ATH - Golf (Men’s)
ATH - Golf (Women’s)
ATH - Gymnastics
ATH - Hockey
ATH - Main Athletics Accounts
ATH - Rowing
ATH - Soccer (Men’s)
ATH - Soccer (Women’s)
ATH - Softball
ATH - Spartan Fund
ATH - Tennis (Men’s)
ATH - Tennis (Women’s)
ATH - Volleyball
ATH - Wrestling


Burgess Institute (BUR)


BUR - Burgess Institute
BUR - Hatchcast
BUR - Startup Weekend


Business (BUS)


BUS - Business Official
BUS - Dean
BUS - Exec Devel Program
BUS - Unit Admin


ComArtSci (CAS)


CAS - ComArtSci Inclusiveness
CAS - ComArtSci Official
CAS - ComArtSci Research
CAS - ComArtSci Strategic Com


Demo College (COL)




Education (EDU)


EDU - Education Official


Engineering (EGR)


EGR - Engineering Official


EVP Administration (EVPA)


SUS - Sustainability


Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)


FRIB - FRIB Official


Fields – Campus Partners




Government Relations (GOV)


GOV - Government Official
GOV - MI Spartan Impact


Honors College (HON)


HON - Honors CollegeOfficial


Human Medicine (CHM)



CHM - Cancer Research
CHM - Gran Fondo
CHM - Human MedOfficial
CHM - Research Center


Infrastructure Planning and Facilities (IPF)


IPF - IPF Official


Innovation Center (MSUIC)


MSUIC - Innovation Center Official


Internal Comms (INT)


INT - Know More


Law (LAW)


LAW – Law Official


Listening - Campus Users




MSU Health Care (MSUHC)


MSUHC - Health Care Official
MSUHC - Health Care Pharmacy
MSUCH - Sports Medicine


Office of the Provost (PRO)


ART - Broad Art Museum


Osteopathic Medicine (COM)


COM - Osteo MedOfficial
COM - Slavery to Freedom


Nursing (NUR)


NUR - Nursing Official


Reporting - Campus Partners




Social Science (CSS)


CSS - Anthropology
CSS - Anti-Counterfeiting & Product Protection Center
CSS - Center of Integrative Studies
CSS - Chicano/Latino Studies
CSS - Criminal Justice
CSS - Economics
CSS - Environmental Science & Policy
CSS - Geo/Enviro/Spatial Sciences
CSS - Global Urban Studies Program
CSS - History
CSS - Political Science
CSS - Psychology
CSS - Soc Sci Scholars
CSS - Social Science Official 
CSS - Social Work
CSS - Sociology
CSS - Unit Administration


Student Life and Engagement (SLE)


SLE - Auxiliary Sports Group
SLE - Culinary Services
SLE - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging
SLE - Listening (All Access)
SLE - Residence Education and Housing Services
SLE - SLE Administration
SLE - Student Development & Leadership
SLE - Union/UAB


University Communications and Marketing


MSU – Analysts
MSU – Analytics Interns
MSU – Institutional
MSU – News
MSU – President
MSU – Sprinklr Admins
UComms Listening Dashboards


University Licensing


UL – MSU Gear


Wharton Center (WHAR)


WHAR - Institute
WHAR - NextGen@Wharton
WHAR - Wharton Center Official


Archived User Groups

Tier 1 User GroupsTier 2 User Groups
Admissions (OA)OA - Admissions Official
Licensing (LIC)LIC - Licensing Official
MSU Foundation (MSUF)MSUF - Conquer Accelerator
MSUF - East Lansing TIC
MSUF - Foundation Official
MSUF - MBI Biotech
MSUF – Michigan Rise
MSUF - Red Cedar Ventures
MSUF - Spartan Innovations
President (PRES)PRES - President Stanley
Student Health and Wellness (SHW)SHW - Health Promotion
SHW - Sexual Assault Program
SHW - SHW Interns
SHW - Student Health & Wellness
University Communications and MarketingListening Alert Receivers
X MSU News
X UComms Admins
X UComms Analytics Interns
X UComms Analytics Staff
X UComms Core
X UComms Listening Interns
X UComms Publishers
Veterinary Medicine (CVM)CVM - Dean
CVM - Online Food Safety
CVM - Vet Med Official


Documentation updated: Nov. 1, 2024