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Adding New Units: Build Phase

Once an MOU is signed, the building phase for a unit’s Sprinklr workflow and user seat(s) can begin. 

If adding a new user to an existing unit, skip to the Create User Seat(s) step below.

Build Process

  1. Create account mapping spreadsheet to show account groups, user groups and permissions necessary for the unit. This will be used by the unit when adding its accounts to ensure they’re mapped properly to dashboards and fields.
  2. Save the file to the unit’s folder. 
  3. Share access to the file to the unit’s staff members by creating a sharable link.
  1. Create account group(s).
  2. Create user group(s).
  3. Create Tier 1 tags.
  4. Create Tier 2 tags.
  5. Create Tier 3 tags, if needed.
  6. Update tier tags, account groups and user groups documentation pages in SharePoint.
  7. Build folder structure to match Tier 1 and Tier 2/account group structure.
  1. Build unit inbox queue (unless higher level inbox already exists).
  2. Build unit workflow queues.
    1. Closed, Responded To
    2. No Response Required
    3. Hidden (Facebook, X Only)
    4. In Progress
  3. Build unit workflow macros.
    1. "1. Assign to me (Unit Abbreviation)" – OPTIONAL. Only used in units with many user seats and a call-center structure.
    2. "1. No Response Required (Unit Abbreviation)" – Update number if “Assign to me” is used. 
    3. "2. Closed - Responded To (Unit Abbreviation)" – Update number if “Assign to me” is used. 
    4. "3. In Progress (Unit Abbreviation)" – Update number if “Assign to me” is used. 
    5. "4. Renew Message (Unit Abbreviation)" – Update number if “Assign to me” is used. 
    6. "5. Hide Message (FB/X Only) (Unit Abbreviation)" – Update number if “Assign to me” is used. Update name if TikTok or other channels with hide capabilities are used.
  4. Share all macros to user group(s).
  5. Create inbox rule.
  6. Turn on inbox rule.
  1. Build Engagement dashboard No. 1.
    1. Update columns and settings.
    2. Delete unnecessary columns.
    3. Save in proper folder.
    4. Share to appropriate user group(s).
    5. Note any updates required once accounts are connected in the account mapping spreadsheet.
  2. Build Engagement dashboard No. 2.
    1. Update columns and settings.
    2. Delete unnecessary columns.
    3. Save in proper folder.
    4. Share to appropriate user group(s).
    5. Note any updates required once accounts are connected in the account mapping spreadsheet.
  3. Build Engagement dashboard No. 3.
    1. Update columns and settings.
    2. Turn on “failed to send” notification setting.
    3. Delete unnecessary columns.
    4. Save in proper folder.
    5. Share to appropriate user group(s).
    6. Note any updates required once accounts are connected in the account mapping spreadsheet.
  1. Add custom fields, if needed.
  2. Restrict visibility of custom fields, as needed.
  3. Set custom fields as mandatory, as needed.
  4. Set dependencies for custom fields, as needed.
  1. Add user seat using MSU Net ID.
  2. Confirm permissions.
  3. Add user to user groups.
  4. Confirm account access.
  5. Add avatar to seat.
Quick tip: There is a shortcut. Export an existing user. Update the CSV file with the new user’s name, email address and any permission or user group settings. Import the file as a new user. 
If the new user is replacing an existing user, follow this cadence: Export the original user. Update the file and import the new user. Deactivate the original user. Activate the new user. Confirm settings.
  1. Schedule training for seat users.
  2. Provide account mapping spreadsheet.
  3. Walk users through adding their accounts and confirm this works as they do it.
  4. Demo: Engagement, Asset Manager, Publisher, Reporting, Listening Explorer
  5. Tease additional features and confirm if they’d like access: Link In Bio, Gallery
  6. Follow up with resources including a link to their account mapping spreadsheet, the link to the training documentation site and the link to the YouTube channel. 

Training Video: Account Structure Planning

Watch on YouTube

Training Video: Account and User Groups

Watch on YouTube

Training Video: Unit Tags and Custom Fields

Watch on YouTube

Training Video: Building Workflows

Watch on YouTube

Training Video: Initial Engagement Dashboards

Watch on YouTube

Training Video: Adding and Managing Users

Watch on YouTube

Documentation updated: Mar. 6, 2024