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Adding New Channels

When new channel capabilities are added to Sprinklr, changes may be required in the system. 

Adapting Sprinklr for New Channels

Update the Template Inbox Rule

  1. Open “Manage Rules” from the launchpad.
  3. Hover on the three-dot icon to the left side of the template name and click “Edit” on the pop-up menu.
  4. In Condition boxes, ensure the channel and message type for the next channel are included. Make changes as necessary.
  5. Click “Save.”

Update Inbound Dashboard Template

  1. Open “Engagement Dashboards” from the launchpad.
  2. Open “TEMPLATE 1. Inbound – Unit Name” dashboard. 
  3. Add any new workflow-based columns for the new channel type, as appropriate. Multiple columns may be necessary, depending on message type availability. 

Update Resolution Dashboard Template

If the channel offers the ability to hide comments and replies:

  1. Open “Engagement Dashboards” from the launchpad.
  2. Open “TEMPLATE 2. Resolution – Unit Name dashboard.”
  3. Adjust name of Hidden column to note all channels that can be hidden.

Update Outbound Dashboard Template

  1. Open “Engagement Dashboards” from the launchpad.
  2. Open “TEMPLATE 1. Outbound – Unit Name dashboard.”
  3. Add any new channel-based columns for the new channel type, as appropriate. Multiple columns may be necessary, depending on message type availability.

Spread the Word

  1. Alert Sprinklr users of the new capability.
  2. Provide instructions for adding it to their workflows and note any changes required and whether the unit user can make the change or if they must request University Communications and Marketing to make the change.

Updating Unit Workflows for New Channels

If a unit adds a new-to-them channel, updates may need to be made to their workspace. They may be able to take these actions on their own, or they may need assistance from University Communications and Marketing.

Confirm Inbox Rule Accuracy

  1. Open “Manage Rules” from the launchpad.
  2. Locate the unit’s universal inbox rule.
  3. Hover on the three-dot icon to the left side of the template name and click “Edit” on the pop-up menu.
  4. In Condition boxes, ensure the channel and message type for the next channel are included. Make changes as necessary.
  5. Click “Save.”

Update Engagement Dashboards

  1. Add appropriate workflow-based columns for the channel(s) to the unit’s Inbound dashboard(s). These can be cloned from the template and inserted into the unit dashboard, then update settings on the unit dashboard as appropriate. 
  2. If the new channel allows for hiding replies and comments, rename the Hidden column on the Resolution dashboard to reflect this channel. 
  3. Add appropriate channel-based columns for the channel(s) to the unit’s Outbound dashboard(s). 
  4. Confirm the settings on the channel account(s) to be sure the unit added the correct user group(s), account group(s) and subscriber(s) in the settings. Add in Campus Reporting permissions for view reporting, if needed.

Documentation updated: Mar. 6, 2024