Search engine optimization, or SEO, is impacted by the structure and content of a webpage. Search engines and website users will utilize the page content in different ways and contexts. It is important to balance writing for search engines with writing for actual users. Packing a page full of keywords to please a search engine will render the content completely unreadable by a human.
Webpage titles (also called title tag or meta title) are like a headline of the webpage. These inform users what the webpage is about. Titles also signal to search engines what the page topic is and how relevant it may be to search queries.
Here are some suggestions to keep in mind when writing page titles:
Best practices for images, in terms of SEO:
What is search engine optimization, why is it important and how do search engines rank content?
Address crawlability, indexability, website health and structured data needs to improve SEO. Learn how to add metatags in MSU’s enterprise CMS platforms.
Headlines can impact whether an audience member wants to view content. They can also impact SEO. MSU researchers have provided advice for developing quality headlines.
Documentation updated: May 2, 2024